John Deere New Generation and Generation II Tractors: History, Models, Variations & Specifications 1960s-1970s - John Dietz

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In the 1960s and 1970s, John Deere's tractors evolved dramatically from small machines into large, powerful tractors with modern advances and muscular engines; it was a period of the greatest changes since the 1920s. Deere christened these tractors the New Generation. This book in the Tractor Legacy series examines these Big Green machines in detail, with archival and current photography of restored tractors, a thorough historical text, and details of model specifications and variations.                    

Author: Dietz, John
Publisher: Voyageur Press
Illustration: N
Language: ENG
Title: John Deere New Generation and Generation II Tractors: History, Models, Variations & Specifications 1960s-1970s
Pages: 00128 (Encrypted EPUB) / 00128 (Encrypted PDF)
On Sale: 2011-01-15
SKU-13/ISBN: 9780760336007
Category: Antiques & Collectibles : Americana